Happy New Year Vibration Family

Unbelievably we have made it to a new year! Hopefully you are all in one piece still, I must say I am very proud with what we achieved in 2016.
It will come as no shock to you that the music industry is still struggling to make ends meet and it puts a strain on everyone who devotes a big portion of their lives to music when they sadly cannot rely on the income from music sales to pay the bills.
Saying that, we have continued to push on, no matter of the climate, we have joined forces with more and more amazing artists, and in the past year we have released without a doubt some of our finest music to date, the radio shows go from strength to strength, and now we have reached 2017 which makes Vibration Records 10 years old!
Some of you may have followed us well before 2007, we first started way back in 2002 as a DnB news portal, and then evolved into an MP3 download store. At the time the MP3 scene was so fresh, most labels didn’t want to put their music online, wow how things have changed! We retired the MP3 store and became dedicated to our record label in 2007.
This year 2017 we will continue our mission of spreading the finest liquid/melodic DnB and we intend to continue our trend of pushing higher and higher, to more and more listeners, so please continue to keep updated with our news.
I want to say a huge thanks to all our artists, some of which have been very patient with me during 2016. Having been so busy some of our admin has fallen behind a little, for example, this website could do with more frequent updates. I would like to assure you all that catching up with admin will be a priority this year.
Also, I would like to thank all our radio dj's who have helped us continue to push our sounds through the wonderful Bassdrive Radio. The DJ's and Bassdrive management work very hard to bring you two Vibration Sessions shows a week, you would be surprised how much work goes in to those radio shows. Thank you guys, without you and the artists producing the music, where would we be today?
So… Im wishing you all a very happy and successful new year! I realise it is not always easy for any of us, but try to remember, when you are going through those hard times that these challenges are here to push us all forward to make us all stronger and continue the evolution of this amazing universe we share.
Big LOVE to you all, and a very Happy New Year.
Tobes & The Vibration Records Family. - Vibration Records 2017 - Ever Resounding Vibration.