Welcome to the brand new & well overdue website

Can you believe your eyes, after many months (24 maybe more) we have promised a new website, and what a wait its been, I swear we are sorry for the wait. The Vibration project has evolved over many years, but the website has stagnated for many of those. Being a web designer by day, the last web site I ever get to work on is this one, it always seems to be the last one I get to, well let me assure you all that has now been remedied, many months in the making, welcome to the brand new sparkling shiny Vibration website.
The website is 95% complete, Im finishing off a couple of things, but generally everything should be there and ready to use, however please allow us a bit of teething time, the site will be fully tested over the next few weeks as it gets beta tested by you, so please do us a favour, if you encounter any bugs or errors, please let us know.
The shop is fully loaded and ready to serve, you can leave comments on virtually every page, and you will notice social sharing links all over the place, please do get involved and help us spread the vibrations, the Vibration family is growing by the day and its always really inspiring for us to read and hear your kind words.
The site will get updated frequently, please visit us for regular updates, free giveaways, new releases and much more. Stick around, were just starting to warm up.
Vibration Records © 2002-2014 - Ever Resounding Vibration