
Melos has been making a wide range of music for around 7 years now and has been behind the wheels of steel another 10 on top of that… His ethos on his favourite style of music is simple.
Forward thinking melodic deep and soulful drum & bass. Since the early nineties this style of music has been his main interest although his love for hiphop, house, techno and all sorts of other electronic delights really shows in his production.
Currently releasing drum & bass on labels such as Textures Music Group, Soul Deep Recordings, Vibration Records, Point Audio, Touch Tone Records, Liquid Drumz, Pitbull Recordings, Extent V.I.P. and releases under various guises in a deep house and techno style signed to labels such as Mora Music, Baker Street Records and 22 Digit Recordings, Melos is well and truly going for it in 2011. He also runs Mora Music with Kyber and Givron and is about to launch his own digital and vinyl D&B label with Vibrant called Sonata Recordings (the pair also produce D&B together under the guise ‘Vibrant Scientists’).
Melos is deeply dedicated to the cause and works non stop towards what we all want. Good quality music. Plain and simple.