Currently living in Lubbock, TX and is studying at Texas Tech University where he's majoring in Computer Science. He started dabbling with electronic music back in 2003 though very "sporadically". he'd been listening to BassDrive since around 2004 and knew then that Drum&Bass was his genre of choice. he found liquid particularly engaging as it pulls elements from lots of other genres. Tyler Straub and Carl Matthes' work really showed this with their strong South American influenced sounds. Producing has been a strong hobby of his that has evolved into a deeper passion over the past two-three years.
Inka is part Venezuelan and his first language was Spanish although he does not speak it anymore. It was his great-grandmother that really shaped his musical tastes as her musical "pallet" was quite vibrant, from salsa to The Beetles, The Police. you name it. His plans haven't changed too much since he started producing. He has always done it as a hobby and it'll probably continue down that route fine tuning his skills over time.